The following are "thumbnails". Just click on them to enlarge them. Aunt & Uncles Herb Allwine Sr Mary, Raymond & Harry Allwine Herb Allwine Sr. front row 4th from left Alice Gookins Alice Gookins Alice Gookins-Allwine Alice Gookins-Allwine Thanks to Claudia here is a list of birthdays. It was done several years ago so doesn't show everyone.
There is a genealogy book for the Gookin(s) family. Using the coat of arms in that book Sid VanDyke drew the following coat of arms for a school project of Chris'.
Gookin Coat of Arms If anyone knows where that book is Sallie would like to see it. I believe it is a red hard cover book. Some pictures...
Father & Daughters Herb Sr., Barbara, Audrey & Eleanor Allwine Momma & Daddy Herb Sr., Alice, Barbara, Audrey, Eleanor, & Raymond Sr,










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